Thursday, March 28, 2019

A guide to learn basic nutrition concepts

Basic Nutrition Definition

Fear? No no no.

Fear not if you use basic nutrition in the right way!

Nutrition is not something influences our food choices but it can be what we eat on a daily basis.

A healthy lifestyle and best diet are the weapons to fight many diseases. Understanding the basis and fundamentals of basic nutrition can help you to get on the right track.

Many populations and regions have lack of diets and basic knowledge of nutrition.

There are many things to learn about the basics of nutrition. So, first of all, let’s check what is nutrition?

In very simple words, it is energy taken from food which we consumed on a daily basis.

There are lots of things to learn about nutrition. But the basic nutrition concept is very simple. Your body is like a working machine which consumes what it needed. And, get rid of the rest by urine and other wastes.

learn basic nutrition concepts
Basic Nutrition

In this article, you will learn about the basic nutrition concepts and with some examples of nutrients. 

Basic Nutrition - what are essential nutrients?

A nutrient is a substance which provides nourishment for life and growth. These are the building blocks of the living organisms. These are the substances required to the body for performing of the basic functions.

Basic nutrients are the compounds which body cannot produce itself in enough quantity. It must have come from food and they are good for diseases.

For the animals the energy sources are of some amino acids which combined creates proteins (a subset of the fatty acids) and certain minerals.

List of nutrients

As mentioned above in the article, nutrients are the key substance for the body. Now the question arises that how are nutrients used?

list of nutrients
Essential Nutrients

The nutrients that break down in basic units are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Each of it travels down on a different path and fuel the whole body production with (Adenosine Triphosphate). It is our body’s ultimate energy currency. 

What are the 6 nutrients and why do we need them?

While sorting out the list of nutrients, you may want to know about why we need them.
They belong to six classes, that is


Fats: Our body uses fat as a fuel and it is a major storage form of energy in the body. It is an essential part of our diet. There are 4 types of fat, that is saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and trans fat.

Vitamins: Vitamins keep your vision sharp and clear as well as keep your bones strong. And, keep your nails, skin, and hair glowing and healthy.  Some of the examples are, vitamins A, B, C, D, E & K.

what are the 6 nutrients
Everything about nutrition

Minerals: Minerals are the chemicals that regulate your body process. For example, potassium. It helps your nerves and muscles function. 

Carbohydrates: The main energy source for the brain is carbohydrates.

Proteins: Proteins are responsible for the major structural components of a cell.

Water: Water is the most important nutrient all from above. All the humans and animals required water. Some certain metabolic reactions are created by the water in our bodies. It is a very essential nutrient because it delivers elements like minerals and vitamins to the cells. Also, it plays a vital role in eliminating waste from our bodies.

A conclusion of nutrition: 

A good and healthy lifestyle is key. You cannot destroy it with one unbalance meal nor can you develop in one day. Health is a combination of many factors. It includes good nutrition, a positive attitude, and regular exercise.

Take care of your body. Feel pride in your accomplishments. Both of them will improve your physical and mental health.

Have you maintained a balanced life?

Leave your positive feedback in the comment section. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

3 Components of Physical Fitness: A Guide to Communicating Value

Components of Physical Fitness: A Guide to Communicating Value

3 Components Of Physical Fitness: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

Some people excel the physical fitness and some don't. Which one are you? Many peoples lose money with this kind of physical fitness components.

5 components of physical fitness
Physical fitness guide

Believe in yourself and skills that improve your fitness. These little known facts about physical fitness matters.  Which component of physical fitness is skill related? What do the components of physical fitness mean?

components of physical fitness
Physical fitness tools

Let’s check first, what is physical fitness.

Physical fitness is the ability to perform effectively throughout your workday, perform your usual different activities and still have enough energy left over to handle any further stresses or emergencies which may arise.

5 components of physical fitness
Physical fitness ability

You can reach your level of fitness quickly by understanding the three components of physical fitness and how it can fit with each other. These are the components

  1. ·         Muscular Strength
  2. ·         Flexibility
  3. ·         Body composition

Let’s discuss each of the components in some detail.

Muscular Strength

What is muscular Strength? Very simple

It is the power of a group of muscles on a physical object.

Benefits of muscular strength
Muscular Strength

Why you need a muscular strength? Everyone loves it.  It has 3 benefits

  1. ·         It can increase your ability to do activities like lifting the wood without getting tired.
  2. ·         It can reduce the risk of injury as well.
  3. ·         Help to keep your body in healthy shape.

Examples of Muscular Strength

By creating a muscular strength, you can be proud of yourself. Muscular strength can be easily be achieved if you do it smartly. You can use some short cuts tools and techniques which might be the easy and compatible ways for you.

components of physical fitness
Muscular strength guide

Some of the common examples are like below, 
  1. Climbing up to stairs
  2. Cycling on roads
  3. Push-ups
  4. Hill walking
  5. Gardening such as digging and shoveling

Benefits of Muscular Strength

Achieving your muscular strength is key. It is bound to make an impact on your business as well. Here is key to success. 

  1. Reduce body fat
  2. Increase lean body mass (Muscle mass)
  3. Help to keep your bones strong

Simple Mistake In muscular strength

I shall give you the truth about muscular strength.

Do you make this simple mistake for muscular strength? Here is one common mistake everybody makes.

Use the right weight that is not too heavy. Because of heavyweights can target those muscles as well which does not have the strength to do exercise.

heavy weight for exercise

Warning: What can you do about muscular strength right now?


What is flexibility?

Want more out of your life? Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility!

It is the range and power of joints or any group of joints through an entire motion. 

Examples of flexibility:

Flexibility Exercise (Stretching) is one in all four varieties of exercise besides strength, balance, and endurance.

benefits of exercises

For example, active yoga will improve your balance, strength, and suppleness.

A lot of lower-body strength-training exercises additionally can improve your balance.
Like upper body flexibility exercises process can be easily done. 

Also, many other types can be beneficial like below mentioned

Shoulder & Chest. This can be performed kneeling or standing

Arm across Chest

Triceps Stretch

Glute Stretch

Adductor Stretch

Single Leg Hamstring

Standing Quadriceps

Standing Calf.

Body Composition

Body Composition: Do you really need it? This will help you decide

What is body composition actually?

In the perspective of components of physical fitness, it is an essential item to learn. So, in simply “It is the overall proportion of fat and fat-free in the body of any species”

body with fats

In physical fitness, body composition is the percentage of fat, water, bones as well as muscles in human structure.

By adopting some of the below mentioned exercises will definitely help you to achieve your body composition goals 

Burpees:  No requirement of equipment

Pushups: No requirement of equipment

Interval training: Treadmill optional

Weighted squat jump: A light, handheld weight

Explosive lunge jump: No equipment required.


components of physical fitness

Improving the primary 3 elements of components of physical fitness listed above can have a positive impact on body composition and can lead to less fat. 

Excessive body fat detracts from the opposite fitness elements reduce performance, detracts from the look, and negatively affects your health.

All the above-listed items of "components physical fitness" briefly discussed here. I hope it will be beneficial and a guide surely communicating value for you and your family. 

Is this guide helpful?

Please leave your suggestions in the "comment section".

Monday, March 4, 2019

3 Super and easy tips for weight loss

Easy tips for weight loss

Are you embarrassed about your body weight? 

Many peoples use tricks and tips around the globe. But I am going to tell you something very simple. Ah. Don't worry guys.

3 Super and easy tips for weight loss
Weight loss Tips

Let's check what exactly is weight loss. 

This is something we all are hearing from our friends and colleagues. So, First of all, we should know about weight loss. What is weight loss? 

It is the decrease in body weight either voluntary or involuntary. Means either it may be due to diet or exercise.

And, of course, illness can also destroy our health badly. Most of the peoples get happy for the weight loss. They are utilizing useful tips for weight loss from many years. 

Overuses of exercises and weight loss pills are not good. It can destroy the body super molecules which leads to bad health. 

useful tips for weight loss
Ideal Health Matters

If you'd wish to lose weight and keep them off, then you would like to speculate in a very fashion change. By changing a couple of your diet and exercise routine, you'll change state while not a lot of effort.

In this article, we are here to discuss some of the important and 3 super and easy tips for weight loss.

1. Walking daily

Walking each day not only a stress-reducer. But, it is also more effective in fat loss with the 30-minute jog. Running helps you burn calories and use of the repeated flexing and force exerted on the leg muscles.

Running increases the heart rate to aerobic levels. Then the heart rate also drops once the activity has been stopped.

morning walk benefits

Extra benefits of walking include a lowering of blood pressure. It improved blood circulation that walking provides.

Walking is an excellent way to address high blood pressure. Moreover, it reduces hypertension, heart attack, and stroke risk. These activity strengthens the heart and generally improves cardiovascular health

2. Avoiding junk foods

Foods considered to junked include salted, sugary, fried and carbonated beverages. Many foods like pizza considered either healthy or junk food. It depends on its ingredients and preparation methods. 

weight loss tips
Junk food
junk food
Fried items

junk food
Fried chicken

Eating on a regular basis can lead to an increased risk of obesity. And, chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and some cancers may also be. 

Eating poor quality junk food is a link to these risks. It includes obesity, depression, digestive issues, heart disease, and stroke.

3. Drinking Water Before Meal

In the list of easy tips for weight loss, the third one is drinking water before a meal.

Drinking 1 cup of water half an hour before the meal will be the best way to lose weight. The study proved that drinking water before eating could help to weight loss.

drinking water before meal helps digestion
Drinking water

Liquid hydrates your cells and helps them push harmful toxins through your body more. Drinking plenty of liquid, such as water, juice and even tea, you will help your cells function at their best.


By getting the right ingredients and dieting you tend to get the weight you desire. You will become successful when we do your job right.

By obtaining the correct nutrition and understanding about how the body works. We tend to get the greatest level of health and it offers you the glow you be.

Sometimes, we tend to unnoticed at the secrets of obtaining the most effective folks. We tend to miss to spot but we tend to get through with obtaining healthy and searching sensible.

So, being aware of our weight and our physical look isn't dangerous in the slightest degree. It reflects on how we tend to live our lives and the way we tend to become effective creatures. Being healthy offers you associate practicality.

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