Thursday, March 28, 2019

A guide to learn basic nutrition concepts

Basic Nutrition Definition

Fear? No no no.

Fear not if you use basic nutrition in the right way!

Nutrition is not something influences our food choices but it can be what we eat on a daily basis.

A healthy lifestyle and best diet are the weapons to fight many diseases. Understanding the basis and fundamentals of basic nutrition can help you to get on the right track.

Many populations and regions have lack of diets and basic knowledge of nutrition.

There are many things to learn about the basics of nutrition. So, first of all, let’s check what is nutrition?

In very simple words, it is energy taken from food which we consumed on a daily basis.

There are lots of things to learn about nutrition. But the basic nutrition concept is very simple. Your body is like a working machine which consumes what it needed. And, get rid of the rest by urine and other wastes.

learn basic nutrition concepts
Basic Nutrition

In this article, you will learn about the basic nutrition concepts and with some examples of nutrients. 

Basic Nutrition - what are essential nutrients?

A nutrient is a substance which provides nourishment for life and growth. These are the building blocks of the living organisms. These are the substances required to the body for performing of the basic functions.

Basic nutrients are the compounds which body cannot produce itself in enough quantity. It must have come from food and they are good for diseases.

For the animals the energy sources are of some amino acids which combined creates proteins (a subset of the fatty acids) and certain minerals.

List of nutrients

As mentioned above in the article, nutrients are the key substance for the body. Now the question arises that how are nutrients used?

list of nutrients
Essential Nutrients

The nutrients that break down in basic units are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Each of it travels down on a different path and fuel the whole body production with (Adenosine Triphosphate). It is our body’s ultimate energy currency. 

What are the 6 nutrients and why do we need them?

While sorting out the list of nutrients, you may want to know about why we need them.
They belong to six classes, that is


Fats: Our body uses fat as a fuel and it is a major storage form of energy in the body. It is an essential part of our diet. There are 4 types of fat, that is saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and trans fat.

Vitamins: Vitamins keep your vision sharp and clear as well as keep your bones strong. And, keep your nails, skin, and hair glowing and healthy.  Some of the examples are, vitamins A, B, C, D, E & K.

what are the 6 nutrients
Everything about nutrition

Minerals: Minerals are the chemicals that regulate your body process. For example, potassium. It helps your nerves and muscles function. 

Carbohydrates: The main energy source for the brain is carbohydrates.

Proteins: Proteins are responsible for the major structural components of a cell.

Water: Water is the most important nutrient all from above. All the humans and animals required water. Some certain metabolic reactions are created by the water in our bodies. It is a very essential nutrient because it delivers elements like minerals and vitamins to the cells. Also, it plays a vital role in eliminating waste from our bodies.

A conclusion of nutrition: 

A good and healthy lifestyle is key. You cannot destroy it with one unbalance meal nor can you develop in one day. Health is a combination of many factors. It includes good nutrition, a positive attitude, and regular exercise.

Take care of your body. Feel pride in your accomplishments. Both of them will improve your physical and mental health.

Have you maintained a balanced life?

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